dancing for Muskingum County K-9 Unit
David is a very happily retired social services administrator. He has been married to his wife, Mary Ellen Boyer, for the past 42 years. They have two adult daughters, both married, and they have three grandchildren.
David enjoys competition and has been a college coach as well as a high school coach (football, basketball, and track). He loves to read and enjoys biographies and historical novels and the recitation of live events.
Fun facts about David: To maximize the enjoyment of his retirement years, he has become a seafaring captain and has purchased a 22 foot pontoon boat that now sits at Buckeye Lake. Anchors Away!
David says he has very limited dance experience except for wild flailings at weddings! Seriously, he has danced with Diva Debbon Kappes and gives her credit as a quite wonderful teacher, coach, and friend! Like all great coaches, she is magnificent in teaching the fundamentals of dance!
Muskingum County K-9 Unit